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Nothing but love beyond this point!
Enjoy the Community Channel!

NO Advertisements
Trading Post is a space to TRADE, not to advertise. While we encourage the sharing of uplifting material and events, we generally do not want third party ads.
No Obscene Content
Posting any type of content that incites hatred, promotes discrimination, or is prejudiced is not permitted and can lead to membership disenrollment. Just remember to love!
Illegal Items!
NO illegal items or services of any kind are allowed on Trading Post. Please report any activity of this immediately through our Contact Us link.
Third Parties
Any and all posts are viewable to members only. All posted items and services must belong to the posting member. Only trades between members are allowed with no third party involvement ever.
Trading Post is a safe and simple platform for members to trade comments, items and services. All listings on Trading Post must be traded fairly and agreed upon by all members involved. While monetary trades are allowed, we encourage other means of trading as well. Seeds, garden food, tools, chores, clothing, housewares, electronics and coins are a few ideas!
Note: Collective Vibration is not responsible for any goods, property, or services listed on Trading Post or for the loss thereof. Any and all agreements made between members for trading purposes are held liable to the involved members only!


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